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The Philosophers (Filosofferne), en organisation der har til mål at kontrollere alt (økonomi, politik, magt), bliver grundlagt af de sammensatte styrker fra Rusland, Kina og USA. Det vides ikke hvem The Philosophers er.
Under 2. Verdenskrig indgår The Philosophers en pakt der fører til oprettelsen af The Philosophers' Legacy (Filosoffernes Eftermæle). Denne Legacy indeholder 100 milliarder dollars, såvel som navnene på de hemmelige medlemmer af organisationen.
Efter 2. Verdenskrig blev pengene fra The Philosophers' Legacy stjålet, skjult og spredt over adskillige banker. Oversigten over transaktionerne blev gemt på en mikrofilm. Hvem end der besidder mikrofilmen kan opnå adgang til The Legacy. Som en selvfølge er Rusland, Kina og USA alle interesseret i at finde The Legacy for at opnår den ledende magt.
Under Stalins mandat bliver Rusland ledet af Nikita Khrushchev.
Den russiske videnskabsmand Nikolai Sokolov begynder at arbejde på et nyt russisk atomvåben: The Shagohod.

Det kommer frem at Rusland indsætter mellemdistance ballistiske missiler på Cuba; et af deres allierede lande. Dette er ekstremt alarmerende for USA, eftersom Rusland potentielt kan angribe dem, hvis atomvåbene når Cuba.
I mellemtiden begynder Nikolai Sokolov at blive bange for sin egen skabning, The Shagohod, og beslutter sig for at desertere til USA. Han flygter fra Rusland med sin familie, men bliver genkendt og stoppet i Berlin.
President Kennedy kræver at Rusland afmonterer atomvåbene, men Rusland nægter. USA og Rusland sættes i alarmberedskab for en altødelæggende atomkrig. Rusland beslutter sig til sidst for at afmonterer atomvåbene, men vil i bytte have udleveret Sokolov. Sokolov sendes tilbage til Rusland for at genoptage arbejdet på The Shagohod.
CIA grundlægger FOX (Force Operation X) enheden; en gruppe der anvendes til at udføre specielle hemmelige operationer. FOX ledes af en mand ved navn Major Zero.

For at kunne yde taktisk support til FOX, opretter Major Zero den militære skyggegruppe XOF, og sætter en mand ved navn Skull Face i spidsen.
USA sender deres bedste agent, The Boss, til Rusland i et forsøg på at finde The Philosophers' Legacy.

FOX sender deres hemmelige agent Naked Snake til Rusland i et forsøg på at finde og bjærge Sokolov, samt destruere The Shagohod. Missionen kaldes Virtuous Mission (den Jomfruelige Mission). Hele vejen igennem missionen bliver Naked Snake supporteret via radio af de andre medlemmer af FOX: Major Zero, Sigint og Para-Medic.

Tæt på at gennemføre sin mission bliver Naked Snake stoppet af sin mentor; The Boss. Det virker til at The Boss har deserteret til Rusland, og derved forrædt USA.
Rusland er militært repæsenteret af Spetsnaz GRU; deres militære kampgruppe. En oprørsgruppe til Spetsnaz GRU, ledet af Oberst Volgin, har til formål at modsætte Soviet præmiereminister Nikita Khrushchev.
The Boss giver Rusland et amerikansk atomspænghoved, hvilket bliver affyret af Oberst Volgin, for at ødelægge et russisk forskningsanlæg. På denne måde ser det ud som om USA har angrebet Rusland; et yders intelligent træk sat op af Rusland.
Den russiske præsident Khrushchev kræver nu at USA beviser deres uskyld i atomangrebet, der blev sat op af The Boss og Volgin. USA beslutter sig derfor for at sende Naked Snake tilbage til Rusland for at opfylde Khrushchev's krav: skaf The Boss, Snakes egen mentor, og Volgin af vejen. Operation Snake Eater (Operation Slangespiser).
Major Zero beslutter sig for i skjul at indsætte Skull Face, leder af XOF, til at assistere Naked Snake under missionen. Ingen andre kender til Skull Face's involvering under disse begivenheder.
KGB sætter FOX-enheden i kontakt med to NSA-agenter der deserterede til Rusland i 1960: ADAM og EVA. ADAM vil hjælpe Naked Snake med efterretninger og i sidste ende med at flygte.
Ved mødestedet er det kun EVA der dukker op, med beskeden at hun er sendt i ADAM's sted. Naked Snake og EVA bliver angrebet af en militærenhed ledet af Ocelot. Ocelot tager EVA som gidsel, men bliver i sidste ende besejret og tvunget til at flygte.

Naked Snake og EVA finder ud af at Volgin er i besiddelse af The Philosophers' Legacy.
På sin mission til at finde Shagohod, møder og besejrer Naked Snake alle medlemmerne af Cobra enheden (med undtagelse af The Boss): The Pain, The Fury, The End, The Fear og The Sorrow. Under et forhør afholdt af Volgin, The Boss og Ocelot bliver Naked Snake ramt af en kugle og mister sit ene øje.

Naked Snake ødelægger Shagohod og besejrer Oberst Volgin.
Hvad Naked Snake ikke ved af, er at EVA i virkeligheden er en spion fra den kinesiske regering (husk på at Kina også har interesse i at få fingerne i The Philosophers' Legacy). EVA formår til sidst at få fat på mikrofilmen, men det afsløres senere at denne mikrofilm var falsk. Den rigtige blev anskaffet af Ocelot, en tredobbelt-agent der arbejder for The Philisophers. Ocelot var i virkeligheden ADAM, men ingen kendte til det.
Ocelot giver The Legacy til USA, men kun halvdelen er genvundet. Det antages at den resterende halvdel er i KGB's hænder.
Naked Snake opdager at The Boss ikke deserterede USA, men blot fulgte hendes ordre hele tiden. Regeringen beordrede hende til at opnå Volgins tillid, ved at give ham atomsprænghovederne, og hendes mål var selvfølgeligt at opnå adgang til The Legacy. Hvad de ikke regnede med, var dog at Volgin rent faktisk ville bruge atomsprænghovederne på det russiske forskningsanlæg, og derved inkriminere USA. På dette tidspunkt måtte USA revidere The Boss' mission. Nu måtte hun forblive i rollen og vente på at blive dræbt af Naked Snake, for at kunne rede USA fra beskyldningerne. Hun var en heltinde for sit land, men for evigt husket som en forræder.
USA tildeler Naked Snake den nye titel som Big Boss.

Tvunget til at leve et liv i skyggerne, opbygger Skull Face et had mod både Major Zero og Big Boss.
Over en telefonsamtale, i mellem Ocelot og KGB's Chefdirektør, drøftes Nikita Khrushchev's videre rolle. Kort tid efter afskediges Khrushchev fra sin stilling.
Vred over regeringens handlinger imod The Boss og ham selv, forlader Big Boss FOX. Kort efter følger Major Zero, lederen af den militære enhed, trop.
Gene tilslutter sig FOX-enheden og bliver dens leder under kodenavnet Viper.
Under den Mozambikanske Uafhængighedskrig danner Big Boss (nu lejesoldat) bekendtskab med Frank Jaeger; en ung børnesoldat. Han placerer ham i et rehabiliteringsanlæg, med troen på at han vil være i sikkerhed.
Under opholdet i rehabiliteringsanlægget bliver Frank Jaeger taget af CIA, og brugt som testperson i et forsøg på at skabe en super soldat. Han hjernevaskes og bliver tildelt kodenavnet Null.
Gene omdanner FOX til en rebelgruppe og bryder loyaliteten overfor CIA. FOX har nu til hensigt at finde den anden halvdel af The Philosophers' Legacy.

Big Boss fængsles af Gene. Under sin tid i fangeskab bliver Big Boss venner med Roy Campbell.
Big Boss formår at flygte, men USA's regering beskylder ham og Major Zero for omdannelsen af FOX.
Big Boss og Roy Campbell, i selskab med Major Zero, Para-Medic og Sigint, danner den uafhængige organisation FOXHOUND med det formål at rense deres navne, og nedlægge de resterende medlemmer af FOX.

Big Boss støder på Null, der nu er medlem af rebelgruppen FOX, men genkender ham ikke helt. De kæmper og Big Boss ender med at blive taget til fange.
Under missionen modtager Big Boss efterretninger om at FOX er i besiddelse af en Metal Gear kaldet RAXA.
Big Boss finder og destruerer Metal Gear RAXA. Det viser sig dog senere at det blot er en testmodel.
På sin vej til at destruere den rigtige Metal Gear, står Big Boss nu igen ansigt til ansigt med Null. Big Boss genkender ham som Frank Jaeger, men Null tror ikke på hans historier. Null bliver besejret og tror nu til sidst på Big Boss. Han husker nu sin sande identitet som Frank Jaeger.

Big Boss besejrer Gene, som giver ham alle FOX-enhedens egendele; dette inkluderer penge, soldater og planerne om at bygge en ny militær nation.
Big Boss stopper det planlagte atomangreb fra den rigtige Metal Gear. Missionen er officielt afsluttet.
I mellemtiden planlægger Ocelot at tage kontrol over begge halvdele af The Philosophers' Legacy. Han dræber chefen for CIA og får den anden halvdel af The Legacy, samt listen over navne på The Philosophers.
Big Boss genintræder i FOX, sammen med Major Zero, Para-Medic og Sigint.
Major Zero, Ocelot og Big Boss bruger The Legacy til at omorganisere The Philosophers. De danner The Patriots (Patrioterne) og gør Big Boss til organisationens lederfigur.
Målet med The Patriots er at opfylde The Boss' drøm om at danne en forenet verden.
Major Zero begynder at sprede historier om Big Boss. Nogle er sande og andre er falske - der opstår spændinger i mellem de to.
Navajo-nationen i USA er rig på uranmalm der kan bruges til atomvåben. En mand fra Navajo, kaldet Code Talker (Kodetaler), begynder at forske mikroorganismer i stand til at deaktivere uran.
Code Talker studerer desuden resterne af The End fra Cobra-enheden, og opdager de parasitter der forhøjede hans evner. Disse parasitter eksisterer i adskillige former, deriblandt stemmebåndsparasitten, der er i stand til at inficere personer som taler et bestemt sprog. The Philosophers forsøger at replikere parasitterne, men må i sidste ende opgive projektet.
Undervejs i den Kolde Krig, dør en kvinde fra Soviet under fødslen af hendes søn. Denne dreng, ved navn Tretij Rebenok, anerkender en dag sine psykiske egenskaber, efter han har været i stand til at læse sin fars tanker. Han opdager at hans far hader ham inderligt. Drevet af sin vrede, dræber drengen sin far ved at brænde hele landsbyen til grunden.
Den tidligere leder af Soviet Unionen, Nikita Khrushchev, dør af et hjerteanfald.
Major Zero påbegynder i al hemmelighed et projekt kaldet Les Enfants Terrible (De Frygtelige Børn), med formålet at skabe kloner af den største soldat nogensinde; Big Boss. Til dette benytter han EVA som rugemor.

Tvillingebrødrene Liquid Snake og Solid Snake er født. De bliver begge betragtet som uperfekte kloner. En tredje, perfekt klon, bliver produceret: Solidus Snake.
Alle klonerne får tildelt gener der fremskynder aldring, for at undgå deres inddragelse i et potentielt oprør mod The Patriots.
Big Boss opdager i sidste ende dette projekt og synes at det er en komplet skandale. Big Boss mener at Major Zero og The Patriots har misforstået The Boss' originale og rene ideal.
Big Boss forlader The Patriots. Major Zero omdøber både hans eget og organisationens navn til Cipher.
Big Boss opretter sin egen militære gruppe af lejesoldater kaldet Militaires Sans Frontieres (Militærfolk Uden Grænser). Deres mål er at give militære kræfter til hvem end der har brug for dem, uanset nation eller ideologier.

Det kommer frem at Costa Rica bliver undertrykt af en ukendt militær kraft, som muligvis er i besiddelse af atomvåben.
Big Boss og Militaires Sans Frontieres bliver bedt, af Costa Rica's kræfter repræsenteret af Galvez og Paz, om at gribe ind og stoppe denne hær. De tilbyder Big Boss en operativ platform i det Caribiske Hav, kaldet Mother Base.

Big Boss accepterer og tager til Costa Rica med radiosupport fra Militaires Sans Frontieres' underkommandant Kaz Miller. Big Boss får bekræftet at der er atomsprænghoveder til stede.
Big Boss møder Amanda, lederen af modstandsbevægelsen i Costa Rica. Hun bekræfter at de modstridende kræfter bakkes op af CIA. Hendes bror Chico bliver kidnappet af en drone. Big Boss overbeviser hende om at tilslutte sig Militaires Sans Frontieres, og påtager sig missionen at rede Chico og opspore atomsprænghovederne.
Big Boss reder Chico, der også tilslutter sig Militaires Sans Frontieres. Big Boss fortsætter sin mission på at finde atomsprænghovederne. Det kommer frem at CIA-agenten Hot Coldman ønsker at bruge Metal Gear, skabt af videnskabsmanden Huey Emmerich, til at affyre et sprænghovede, for at teste dens effektivitet.

Coldman angriber Huey Emmerich, der senere bliver hjulpet af Big Boss. Emmerich afslører Coldmans plan. Hans hær er i besiddelse af en Metal Gear, med kodenavnet Peace Walker, i stand til at beregne egnede mål for atom-gengældelsesangreb, uden menneskelig involvering. AI'en for denne Metal Gear, fremstillet af videnskabskvinden Dr. Strangelove, er formet til at følge personlighedstræk fra The Boss.
Big Boss må stoppe Hot Coldman. Huey Emmerich tilslutter sig Militaires Sans Frontieres.
Hot Coldman forsøger at hacke Peace Walkers AI for at få den til at angribe Militaires Sans Frontieres.
Det bliver afsløret at Galvez (hvis rigtige navn er Zadornov) hele tiden har arbejdet sammen med Coldman, men nu har til hensigt at forråde ham. Zadornov vil bruge Peace Walker til at angribe Cuba (Ruslands allierede) fra en af USA's baser. Dette vil inkriminere USA, splitte norden og syden og derved give Rusland en stærk fordel.
Zadornov skyder Hot Coldman og tvinger Dr. Strangelove til at omprogramere AI'en til at angibe Cuba. I virkeligheden omprogrammerer hun den til at simulere et atomangreb mod Cuba, fra Ruslands side.
USA er klar til at besvare ilden med deres atomkræfter.
Peace Walker, drevet af viljen fra The Boss AI, ofrer sig ved at drukne sig selv i en sø, derved destruerer det falske signal og forhindre en atomkring.

Missionen er fuldført og Big Boss returnerer til Mother Base. I selskab med Miller, videnskabsmanden Huey Emmerich og videnskabskvinden Dr. Strangelove påbegynder de udviklingen af deres egen Metal Gear, kaldet ZEKE.
Paz stjæler og tager kontrollen med Metal Gear ZEKE og hævder at hun returnerer den til deres leder; Cipher. Hun beskylder Big Boss for at have taget den forkerte vej, da han skilte sig fra hans tidligere FOX-kommandant Major Zero to år tidligere.

Paz beder Big Boss om at tilslutte sig dem, men han afviser. Paz planlægger at bruge Metal Gear til at affyre atommissiler mod USA, og inkriminere Big Boss og Militaires Sans Frontieres for angrebet. En kamp bryder ud og Big Boss destruerer i sidste ende Metal Gear ZEKE. Paz bliver ramt af eksplosionen og det formodes at hun er død.
Dr. Strangelove forlader Militaires Sans Frontieres, da hendes udvikling af AI ikke længere er nødvendigt.
Miller afslører overfor Big Boss, at Cipher er Major Zero.
Big Boss fortæller hans tropper at de vil tjene under enhver, uanset nation og ideologi, og at de snart vil bygge en nation de kan kalde deres egen, kaldet Outer Heaven.
Det afsløres at alle disse begivenheder blev orkestreret af Cipher, der vidste at Big Boss ville være den eneste i stand til at opbygge Mother Base og samle så kraftfuld en hær. Deres mål var i sidste ende at tage kontrollen over Mother Base, hvilket er grunden til at Paz forsøgte at få Big Boss til at tilslutte sig Cipher.
Skull Face, lederen af XOF, møder Code Talker der har brug for finansiering til sin forskning i mikroorganismer. Skull Face (uden tilladelsen fra Major Zero) finansierer Code Talkers forskning, men tvinger ham til at studere mikroorganismernes potentiale indenfor atomforskning. Forskningen leder til udviklingen af forskellige mikroorganismer (også kaldet "archaea"), der indeholder adskillige styrkende egenskaber, som egner sig til militære formål.
Det Internationale Atomenergiagentur sender et brev til Militaires Sans Frontieres med en anmodning om at inspicere Mother Base. Big Boss og Kaz Miller tror at denne inspektion i virkeligheden iscenesættes af Cipher, for at lokalisere Metal Gear ZEKE's atomsprænghoveder, som hævn for begivenhederne året tidligere.

Big Boss og Miller opdager at Paz overlevede eksplosionen, og de planlægger derfor at kidnappe hende for at få oplysninger som Ciphers sande natur. De sender Chico afsted med en ekspedition for at finde hans søster, men han sniger sig væk og forsøger at rede Paz på egen hånd. Han bliver dog hurtigt taget til fange og holdt i lænker sammen med Paz i Camp Omega.

Chico er offer for grufuld tortur af Skull Face. Chico ender med at afsløre alt information om Militaires Sans Frontieres og Mother Base, og derved bekræfte lokationen af Metal Gear ZEKE. Skull Face tvinger Chico til at sende et SOS-signal til Mother Base.

Skull Face afslører at Paz er den eneste Cipher-agent der har mødt Zero face-to-face, og han beslutter sig derfor for at torturere hende, for at finde Zeros lokation. Hans mål er at befri sig selv fra Cipher. Han indsætter 2 bomber i Paz' krop med en forventning om et redningsforsøg.
Big Boss og Miller er klar over at SOS-signalet kan være en fælde, men beslutter sig stadig for at igangsætte en redningsmission.
Big Boss finder Chico i en tilstand af panik. For at undgå at tiltrække uønsket opmærksomhed, beslutter Big Boss sig for at slå Chico ud og tilkalde en helikopter, for at sende ham tilbage til Mother Base.
Big Boss fortsætter sin mission og finder til sidst Paz, som han reder og bringer ombord på helikopteren. I helikopteren opdager Big Boss at Paz har en bombe i kroppen, men med hjælp fra en samarit, fjerner de den.

Da de nærmer sig Mother Base opdager de at den er under angreb af XOF. Mother Base kollapser og det ser ud til at Big Boss, Miller og samaritten er de eneste overlevende fra Militaires Sans Frontieres.
Ombord på helikopteren afslører Paz at hun har en sekundær bombe i kroppen, da hun hopper ud af helikopteren og sprænges. Helikopteren fra Militaires Sans Frontieres kolliderer med en XOF helikopter, hvilket resulterer i at Big Boss går i koma.
Alle tror at der ikke er nogen overlevende. Major Zero kontakter EVA og beder hende bringe Big Boss, Miller og samaritten til et hospital på Cypern.
Det virker til at Huey Emmerich tillod XOF at organisere dette angreb. Huey bliver kidnappet af Skull Face, tvinges til at tilslutte sig XOF og arbejde på deres nye Metal Gear.
I mellemtiden genvinder Dr. Strangelove Peace Walkers AI og påbegynder arbejde, under Major Zero, på det AI-netværk han planlægger at skabe.
Skull Face, der tvang Paz til at afsløre Major Zeros lokation, sender ham en pakke indeholdende en hårnål fra The Boss inficeret med parasitten. Major Zero stikker sig på nålen ved et uheld og bliver inficeret. Dette er Skull Faces personlige hævn for altid at være under Major Zeros kontrol.
Fra dette øjeblik og fremadrettet tager Ocelot sig af Big Boss og samaritten, der begge stadig er i koma efter helikopterstyrtet.
Liquid Snake forlades af Cipher og sendes til England.
Der er intet spor efter Major Zero.
Under borgerkrigen i Rhodesia dræber Frank Jaeger et ungt par. Han opdager at de havde en datter; tynget af sin skyld beslutter han sig for at tage sig af hende, som en søster. Han navngiver hende Naomi Hunter. Hun vil aldrig vide at Frank Jaeger dræbte hendes forældre.
Soviet Unionen invaderer Afghanistan. Miller, finansieret af USA, træner den afghanske modstandsbevægelse. Efter hændelsen på Mother Base mistede Miller et ben og en arm.
Under krigen mellem de 2 fraktioner anerkender soviet-soldater de brutale kræfter som snigmorderen Quiet besidder. Hun bliver senere hyret af XOF.
Huey Emmerich der nu arbejder for XOF gifter sig med Dr. Strangelove. De får et barn og navngiver ham Hal. Huey bruger Hal som en forsøgskanin til at teste det nye Metal Gear Sahelanthropus' AI. Dette resulterer i et skænderi i mellem ham og hans kone Dr. Strangelove, der ender med at blive låst inde i AI-kapslen og derved dør af luftmangel.
Tretij Rebenok, det psykiske barn født i de tidlige 70'er, bliver tilfangetaget af Soviet og bragt til et laboratorium, hvor de forsker i individer med paranormale egenskaber. I samme facilitet bliver oberst Volgins bevidstløse krop undersøgt. Hans begær efter hævn over Big Boss har holdt hans krop i live. Tilstædeværelsen af Tretij vækker ham og forvandler ham til The Man on Fire.

XOF opdager at Big Boss befinder sig på hospitalet, på Cypern. Deres mål er at eliminere Big Boss og alle spor der peger i retning af deres involvering. De sender Quiet til at skaffe Big Boss af vejen.
Quiet forsøger at kvæle Big Boss, men bliver forhindret af en anden patient, kaldet Ishmael. Han får antændt Quiet og hun falder ud af vinduet.
Big Boss forsøger at flygte fra hospitalet med hjælp fra Ishmael. Den uventede ankost af Tretij og Man on Fire, der ønsker Big Boss død, saboterer utilsigtet XOF's mission.

XOF fejler missionen, men formår at skjule deres involvering i begivenhederne. Big Boss, nu også kaldet Venom Snake, formår at flygte ved hjælp fra Ocelot, der sender ham til Afghanistan. Hans mission er at genopbygge Mother Base og lede deres nye enhed, kaldet Diamond Dogs.
Quiet undergår medicinsk parasit-behandling der redder hendes liv, og udvikler evnen til at trække vejret igennem hendes hud.
Venom Snake finder og redder Miller, der har været holdt fange hos en Soviet forpost.
Venom Snake sendes på en mission til at finde Quiet. Efter hun er besejret, sender han hende til Mother Base, hvor hun holdes til fange.
Venom Snake finder og redder Huey Emmerich. De bliver angrebet af Metal Gear Sahelanthropus der styres af Tretij. Det lykkedes i sidste ende Venom Snake at ødelægge dele af Metal Gear, og derefter trække sig tilbage til Mother Base.

I mellemtiden begynder Quiet at hjælpe Venom Snake under diverse missioner, og det virker til at de to udvikler et bånd.

Under et forsøg på at finde lederen af en enhed af børnesoldater, ender Venom Snake i et anlæg der benyttes til eksperimenter på mennesker. Efter et kort sammenstød med Skull Face, bliver Venom Snake angrebet af Man on Fire og Tretij. Det lykkedes ham til sidst at undslippe.
Venom Snake finds Liquid Snake (known as Eli), now leader of a children soldier group. Eli is brought to Mother Base. Eli is extremely angry at his dad to the point he (unsuccesfully) tries to kill him.
Venom Snake and Ocelot schedule DNA tests to see if Eli is his son. The tests are negative.
A terrible epidemic spreads throughout Mother Base causing many members of the staff to die. To find a cure, Venom Snake goes on a mission to find Code Talker, who has been used by Skull Face to develop the vocal cord parasite. The parasite is said to infect only adult hosts who speak a specific language.
Venom Snake finds and rescues Code Talker, who gives him the Wolbachia bacteria, the cure to the epidemic. Code Talker believes Skull Face intention is to use the parasite to wipe out all languages except for English as an ethnic cleanser.

Skull Face reveals that his plan is to follow The Boss vision of the world, and he wants to achieve this by silencing the world. He actually wants to use the vocal cord parasite to infect whoever in the world speaks English.
Eli is taken under psychic control by Tretij in order to enact his vengeance against Venom Snake. Eli manages to take control of Sahelantropus and wreak havoc on Skull Face's forces as well as on Venom Snake, who eventually manages to incapacitate the Metal Gear.
Venom Snake and Miller find Skull Face stuck under debris. Here they take their revenge for what he did to Militaires Sans Frontieres and Mother Base, by shooting him with his own gun and detaching his left leg and right arm. Huey Emmerich eventually shoots him in the head.

Venom Snake finds and destroys the vials that Skull Face had with him, containing the English strain of the vocal cord parasite. Nobody notices though that Tretij collected one of them before it could end up being destroyed.
Venom Snake, Miller and Huey go back to Mother Base, bringing with them the Metal Gear Sahelanthropus. Tretij secretly gives the last vial containing the English strain of the vocal cord parasite to Eli.
Another infection spreads on Mother Base, in the Quarantine platform. It is later revealed that Huey accidentally sparked it while using beta radiation on the Wolbachia. In order to prevent a worldwide outbreak, Venom Snake is forced to kill all the Diamond Dogs soldiers in the Quarantine platform.

It emerges that Huey has been in contact with the DARPA (connected to Cipher) and asked to be rescued in exchange for samples of the parasites. Huey Emmerich is sent in exile out of Mother Base.
Quiet is captured by Soviet forces. Venom Snake tracks her down and eventually rescues her. After a sand storm she disappears again, leaving an audio cassette to Venom Snake. In this, she reveals that she never spoke because she was carrying the English strain of the vocal cord parasite, but never intended to use it against him or Diamond Dogs.

Venom Snake receives an audio cassette that reveals him his real identity and purpose. Venom Snake was the best soldier that Militaires Sans Frontieres ever had. He was the medic who went in coma with Big Boss. Under Major Zero's orders, the doctors performed plastic surgery to make him look like Big Boss, and to allow the real Big Boss to stay outside of the radars and set the foundations for what would later on become Outer Heaven. The real Big Boss was in fact Ishmael, the patient who helped Venom Snake escape from the hospital.
Big Boss asked Ocelot to take care of Venom Snake and play along in this master plan. Through the use of hypnotherapy, Venom Snake was pushed to think he was the real Big Boss, and his incredible skills allowed everyone else around him to think the same thing. From this moment on, Venom Snake lives as the phantom of Big Boss. Big Boss is still around laying the ground work for Outer Heaven.

Eli escapes from Mother Base together with the other child soldiers rescued so far by Diamond Dogs. Thanks to the help of Tretij he also steals the Sahelanthropus and retreats to an African island. The island is now fully contaminated by the parasite, but children are not affected by it until they become adults.
Venom Snake infiltrates in the island, where there are already soldiers from Cipher who are sent to capture the Metal Gear. Eli activates Sahelanthropus and attacks Venom Snake who destroys it once again.
Diamond Dogs soldiers arrive to evacuate Venom Snake since the entire island is infected with the parasite, and Eli is revealed to be infected as well.
Tretij appears once again and with his supernatural powers removes the parasite from Eli's body. They fly away while Diamond Dogs drops napalm bombs on the island to avoid another outbreak.
Solid Snake, sent by the US, fights in the Gulf War.
Big Boss is (again) at the head of FOXHOUND, but the US government is unaware of this. The US are also unaware of the fact that Big Boss is the head of Outer Heaven as well.
Outer Heaven develop the TX-55 Metal Gear in order to have a way to fight Major Zero and his group, The Patriots.
Dissolution of the Soviet Union.
GRU colonel Sergei Gurlukovich, a friend of Ocelot during the Cold War, forms the military group called Gurlukovich Mercenaries, with the goal to restore Russia to its former glory. He is - in a way - for Russia, what Big Boss is for the US.
The US learn that Outer Heaven are building their own Metal Gear, and decide to send FOXHOUND to destroy it. Big Boss, though, is behind both Outer Heaven and FOXHOUND.
As head of FOXHOUND, Big Boss sends Frank Jaeger to investigate Outer Heaven.
Jaeger, under the codename Gray Fox, fails and is captured.
Big Boss sends Solid Snake - one of the best US agents - to rescue Gray Fox.
Solid Snake saves Gray Fox and proceeds with his mission of destroying the Metal Gear.

Big Boss now reveals that he is at the head of Outer Heaven, and tries to stop Solid Snake. Big Boss reveals that he took back the control of FOXHOUND to delay Solid's mission and finish building the Metal Gear.
Solid Snake destroys the Metal Gear and the entire base. Big Boss – who is Venom Snake – dies. The real Big Boss retreats in Middle East together with all his soldiers.
Roy Campbell replaces Big Boss as the head of FOXHOUND.
Big Boss helps Zanzibar Land claiming independence from Russia.
There is a major world crisis derived from the lack of oil. In order to solve the problem, Dr. Kio Marv develops a synthetic oil.
Dr. Kio Marv is kidnapped by the soldiers in Zanzibar Land, who want to hold the world hostage by gaining control of the synthetic oil. In order to prevent Dr. Kio Marv from escaping or being rescued, Zanzibar makes full use of Metal Gears on their territory.
Roy Campbell, now head of FOXHOUND, sends Solid Snake on a new mission, this time to rescue Dr. Kio Marv.

Solid Snake finds out that Big Boss survived during the events in 1995, and that Dr. Kio Marv is dead. On the other hand, he manages to find the formula of the synthetic oil.
Solid Snake is attacked by Gray Fox who is piloting the Metal Gear D. Solid Snake destroys the Metal Gear and engages in a fight with Gray Fox in a mine field.

Solid Snake kills Gray Fox, and is afterwards attacked by Big Boss. Once again, Solid Snake wins the fight.
Right before dying, Big Boss reveals to Solid Snake of being his father.
The Patriots retrieve the body of Big Boss. Major Zero puts him in cryogenic coma thanks to the use of nanomachines. His goal is to use Big Boss' genes to enhance the performance and skills of every soldier.
Ocelot, not agreeing with this plan, starts plotting against Major Zero and the Patriots.
Roy Campbell leaves FOXHOUND.
Liquid Snake joins FOXHOUND and soon takes its control.

Major Zero, growing old, starts developing a lack of trust in people, and doesn't want anyone to take control of the Patriots.
Major Zero commissions the development of an advanced AI (called The System) to take control of the Patriots. The System consists of four different AI cores controlled by a fifth -master- one.
Solidus Snake orchestrates the forthcoming Shadow Moses incident.
Dr. Naomi Hunter develops FOXDIE, a virus capable of killing a specific person based on their DNA and nanomachines. Her original plan is to use the virus to kill Solid Snake, who killed Gray Fox (Frank Jaeger, who adopted her and took care of her since 1979).
FOXHOUND, now guided by Liquid Snake, leads an armed uprising on the Shadow Moses island, in Alaska. They have the Metal Gear REX and are threatening the US with a nuclear strike if they don't give them the body of Big Boss and 1 billion dollars within 24 hours.

Roy Campbell, not part of FOXHOUND since 2000, sends in Solid Snake, with the mission to locate two hostages: the DARPA chief and the ArmsTech president. They will be able to give a solid confirmation if Liquid Snake is really capable of launching a nuclear attack.
Solid Snake finds the DARPA chief, who dies immediately after of heart attack.
Solid Snake finds the ArmsTech president, who is held hostage by Ocelot - now on Liquid Snake's side. Ocelot challenges Solid Snake in a gun duel. At the end of the fight, a Cyborg Ninja appears and cuts off Ocelot arm.

During the first part of the mission, Solid Snake rescues Meryl Silverburgh (daughter of Roy Campbell) and the scientist Hal Emmerich (son of Huey Emmerich, the scientist who helped Big Boss developing the Metal Gear ZEKE in 1974).
Hal Emmerich, also known as Otacon, is developing the Metal Gear REX, unaware of the fact that it holds a nuclear warhead. After knowing this, he decides to join Solid Snake's cause.

Solid Snake has a new encounter with Cyborg Ninja and after an intense fight he understand his real identity: Gray Fox - Frank Jaeger.

Solid Snake gets to understand a new part of Liquid Snake's plan: he wants to join Sergei Gurlukovich mercenary forces and turn Shadow Moses in a new Outer Heaven, following Big Boss dream of a world with free soldiers.
Solid Snake eventually finds the Metal Gear REX being piloted by Liquid Snake. Gray Fox intervenes once again by destroying part of the Metal Gear REX, in the attempt to help Solid Snake. Gray Fox is crushed to death by Liquid Snake.
Solid Snake destroys the Metal Gear REX and seemingly defeats Liquid Snake. Liquid Snake comes back during the final escape from the hangar, but eventually dies of a heart attack caused by FOXDIE.

Solid Snake, discussing with Naomi Hunter, understands that she infected him with the FOXDIE at the beginning of the mission. She did not know that Frank Jaeger was still alive, and that's why she injected the virus at the beginning of the mission. Solid Snake is told he might have just few years to live.

After the events of Shadow Moses, Revolver Ocelot - the only surviving member of FOXHOUND - reports the events to the President of the United States, revealing that he has been working as a double agent in order to recover REX's data for the US.
Revolver Ocelot reveals the identity of the President of the US, the third clone of Big Boss, Solidus Snake. Solidus Snake has been put as the President of the US by the Patriots in 2001 without anyone else knowing his true identity.
Nastasha Romanenko, who has assisted Solid Snake on his mission, publishes the book called In the Darkness of Shadow Moses: The Unofficial Truth, in which she reveals all the events of the Shadow Moses incident, including Solidus Snake's involvement.
Solidus Snake is forced to step down from his charge of President of the US, and goes hiding with Ocelot.
Ocelot implants Liquid Snake's hand on his body. After the implant operation, it seems like Liquid Snake's psyche is trying to take control of Ocelot's body.
Solid Snake and Otacon found Philanthrophy, a non-governmental organization aimed at stopping the development of new Metal Gear models.
Solid Snake and Otacon get to know that a new Metal Gear, called Metal Gear RAY, is being transported through the US on a tanker. The information had been provided by Emma Emmerich, the stepsister of Otacon.
Solid Snake's mission is to infiltrate the tanker and take pictures of the new Metal Gear to prove its existence to the world.
As soon as Solid Snake boards the tanker, the ship is taken over by a Russian military force. It's the mercenary group lead since 1991 by Sergei Gurlukovich.
Solid Snake meets and fights against Sergei Gurlukovich's daughter, Olga Gurlukovich, who decided to stay in the tanker despite her being pregnant.

After defeating Olga, a US drone appears in the sky and photographs Solid Snake, who is now in the position of being incriminated by the US.
Solid Snake infiltrates the tanker and takes picture of the Metal Gear while the US Marines commandant Scott Dolph is giving a speech to his soldiers.
After the speech, to everyone's surprise, Revolver Ocelot appears, revealing his plan to take the Metal Gear RAY with him.
Sergei Gurlukovich also appears and takes Scott Dolph as hostage.

Sergei Gurlukovich explains that they intend to take the Metal Gear RAY and sell it to Russia with the goal to revive it to its former glory.
Once again to everyone's surprise, Ocelot reveals that that's not his plan. Sergei Gurlukovich assumes that Ocelot is still working with Solidus Snake, and Ocelot reveals that he is working for the Patriots.
Sergei Gurlukovich is mad because of Ocelot's betrayal and tries to shoot him, but Ocelot is way faster at drawing the gun. Ocelot kills Gurlukovich, his soldiers and Scott Dolph. After this, he triggers the explosives planted on the tanker and runs away on board of the Metal Gear RAY.
Solid Snake is accused of stealing the Metal Gear RAY, and is therefore forced to go into hiding.
Manipulated by the Patriots, the media report that Solid Snake had led the terrorist takeover of the oil tanker and that, fearing an environmental disaster, the Navy had dispatched the Marines to defuse the threat. The media say that Snake had ended up sinking the tanker and killing everyone involved, including himself. The major clean-up that would be required gave the Patriots the perfect cover for the construction of the Big Shell.
Olga Gurlukovich takes leading role of her dad's army. She gives birth to her daughter Sunny, who is taken hostage by the Patriots as a means to force Olga into serving them.
It emerges that a terrorist group that calls themselves Sons of Liberty is taking hostages inside the Big Shell. The leader of the group claims to be Solid Snake. Among the hostages there is the 44th President of the US, James Johnson. Sons of Liberty demands 30 billion dollars, and claims that in case their request is not met, they will destroy the Big Shell, creating an incredible ecological catastrophe.

FOXHOUND sends agent Raiden to the Big Shell in order to save the hostages. Here he is helped by a man who claims to be Iroquois Pliskin.

After an encounter with the leader of Sons of Liberty, it is clarified that he is Solidus Snake, but claimed to be Solid Snake in order to frame him once again. Pliskin reveals himself to be Solid Snake.
During the mission Raiden discovers that the Big Shell is nothing else that an enormous Metal Gear, called Arsenal Gear. The Arsenal Gear additionally holds the Patriots AI.
Raiden and Solid Snake, with the help of Otacon and his step sister Emma Emmerich, manage to install a virus inside the Patriots AI.
Emma Emmerich is killed by Vamp, one of the members of Sons of Liberty.
Ocelot comes back revealing that Raiden's entire mission was just a big simulation orchestrated by the Patriots AI. The aim of the mission was to recreate the events of Shadow Moses and therefore shape a new super soldier as good as Solid Snake.
The Patriots AI contacts Raiden and requests him to kill Solidus Snake, otherwise they will kill Raiden's loved one, Rosemary.
Raiden eventually gets to the core of the Arsenal Gear where he fights against a series of Metal Gear RAYs, after which he meets Solidus Snake. Solidus Snake reveals to Raiden that he was his foster father.

Raiden follows the Patriots AI orders and kill Solidus Snake. Angered for being manipulated, he vows to find and destroy the Patriots.
The Patriots complete the development of the Arsenal Gear battleship. The battleship is soon stolen by Ocelot, who renames it Outer Haven, as a reference to Big Boss own military force. Ocelot hides the battleship in Shadow Moses and manages to plant in it the AI recovered from the original Arsenal Gear.
Raiden rescues Sunny from the Patriots. Soon after, Sunny goes and live behind Otacon's protection.
Ocelot is now fully controlled by Liquid Snake, and is now called Liquid Ocelot. Solid Snake, who is aging really fast, is now called Old Snake.

The world is now fully controlled by private military companies (PMCs) composed by soldier enhanced by nanomachines. The biggest PMC is the one controlled by Liquid Ocelot.

The UN wants Liquid Ocelot assassinated, and thanks to the convincing words of Roy Campbell, Snake decides to go on a mission with the help, once again, of Otacon. Together with them is Sunny, Olga Gurlukovich's daughter.
Snake's first attempt to kill Liquid Ocelot fails, but he discovers that Dr. Naomi Hunter is held captive by Liquid Ocelot.
Snake rescues Naomi Hunter, who explains him that the FOXDIE virus in his body is mutating. She also explains him Liquid Ocelot's goal: he wants to obtain Big Boss body and use his biometric data to access the Patriots' master AI. This will grant him control of all the nanomachines in the world and therefore of all PMCs.
Snake fights against a series of machinized mechs, and is helped by a Cyborg Ninja, who is revealed to be Raiden.

Liquid Ocelot obtains Big Boss' body and shuts down every PMC in the world excluding his own. His plan is now to destroy the Patriots, and for doing this he has to gain access to the only nuclear weapon not controlled by the Patriots: the Metal Gear REX in Shadow Moses.
Snake now infiltrates in Shadow Moses and manages to gain control of the Metal Gear REX before Liquid Ocelot, who eventually takes control of a Metal Gear RAY. They start a mech duel that ends up with both being severely injured.

Liquid Ocelot jumps onboard of the Outer Haven and Snake - together with Raiden and the Rat Patrol unity, follow shortly after.
After going through the microwave defence system of Outer Haven, Snake manages to halt the railgun launch by using the FOXALIVE virus created by Naomi Hunter and Sunny. The virus destroys the Patriot System, which in turn destroys all AI's and nanomachines in the world. The world is free from the Patriots.
Liquid Ocelot reveals that FOXALIVE was his plan all along, his way to fulfil Big Boss dream. Liquid Ocelot and Snake engage in one final duel after which Liquid Ocelot dies.

Snake visits Big Boss' grave. With only a year to live and the FOXDIE mutating and threatening to kill everyone around him, he decides to commit suicide.
Before pulling the trigger, he is approached by a man pushing another man on a wheelchair. That man is Big Boss, carrying with him the now paralyzed Major Zero.
Big Boss explains that the frozen body used by Liquid Ocelot was Solidus Snake's body, and it worked because he was his perfect clone.
Big Boss explains that Major Zero eventually let the AI take over control of the Patriots, which led to the world being dependent on war economy.
Big Boss is aware that this vision strongly diverged from The Boss vision of the world, and eventually closes the oxygen supply that keeps Major Zero alive.
Snake and Big Boss reconcile, after which Big Boss dies in his arms.

Raiden joins a private security organization called Maverick. Their goal is to protect the weak and whoever is in need of military support.

In Africa, the Prime Minister of a nation is trying to rebuild it after the damage caused by civil war. One day, he gets attacked by a PMC called Desperado, and taken hostage.
Raiden follows the kidnappers, but the Prime Minister is eventually killed. Raiden fights against Sam Rodriguez, a stronger cyborg ninja. Raiden is defeated and loses one eye and an arm.
Maverick is requested to intervene in Abkhazia, where a group is trying to overthrown the government. Maverick sends Raiden - now recovered from the fight - to capture the leader of this group, Andrey Dolzaev.
Raiden finds evidence that Desperado - the PMC who attacked the Prime Minister - is also supporting this group in Abkhazia and planning an attack.
Raiden is sent to Mexico, where Desperado has a cybernetic lab. He soon finds out that in this lab several kids are being abducted, and their brains are being removed to be virtually trained in order to become cyber-soldiers for World Marshal - an American PMC.

Maverick is not allowed to attack World Marshal, so Raiden - angered for what they are doing to the kids - goes rogue on his mission to find the World Marshal headquarters.
Raiden reaches the headquarters and defeats Sundowner, head of the PMC who killed the African Prime Minister. Raiden understands that the attack is directed toward US president Hemilton, who is paying visit in Pakistan. That becomes Raiden's next destination.
Because of an enemy attack, Raiden is forced to leave the helicopter. He now has to find Solis, a private space flight company that could allow him to travel fast enough to Pakistan before the attack.
Raiden meets again with Sam Rodriguez. They fight, but this time Raiden wins.
Raiden eventually reaches Solis, where Sunny is now working. The launch is a success, and Raiden lands in Pakistan.
Raiden discovers that behind the attack there is Steven Armstrong, Colorado Senator. Armstrong, in control of a new Metal Gear - called EXCELSUS - wants to trigger a war between the US and Pakistan, revitalize the war economy and use this as an escamotage to become president.
Raiden first destroys the Metal Gear EXCELSUS and eventually fights and defeats Armstrong.
War is avoided, but the tensions between US and Pakistan are still high.
Maverick becomes the leading cybernetic company, using the brains to produce workers and nurses.
Raiden decides to start fighting against corrupted PMC's independently.

About the project
I'm Alex, game designer and huge Metal Gear fanboy.Every time a new Metal Gear is about to be released, I have to reorganize all my thoughts and memories, which is usually a tiring task. I started looking for accessible ways to have an overview of the different game events, but I figured out that there was no such a thing available. I therefore decided to spend some of my spare time creating the Metal Gear Timeline: I hope you will like it and find it useful (whether you love or hate this crazy saga). Please, consider sharing Metal Gear Timeline on social media, or even contribute to the development of the project.
If you wish to support me in the attempt to keep this website updated (and to cover the hosting and development costs), feel free to make a donation by pressing one of the big green buttons below. I will insert your name on the Special Thanks section as a sign of infinite gratitude.
If you have suggestions about the timeline in terms of content, don't hesitate reaching out via Twitter or via mail.
- Alex Camilleri (Concept, Website, Content)
- Brazilian Portuguese - João Vitor, Pedro Caetano de Abreu Teixeira
- Chinese - LoliconFelix
- Dutch - Keano Raubun
- French - Elie Glasser, Jordan Guier, Wilfried Nass
- German - Dennis Lorenz, Philippe Simonis, Tomasz Liskiewicz
- Italian - Alex Camilleri
- Luxembourgish - Philippe Simonis
- Spanish - Armando Salcedo, Israel Chairez Lizcano, Pablo Vecchio, Pedro Teixeira
- Persian - Sina Hosseini
- Polish - Bartosz Duszel, Jakub Czerwiński, Karol Buchajczuk
- Russian - Denis Storonyak, Mark Kostyuk, Ruslan Sliusarenko
- Ukranian - Denis Storonyak
Supporters & Special Thanks
- Everyone who donated: AA Gun, Abdulla Almansoori, Alejandro Martinez, Andrew Calabrese, Arsentiy Korolyov, Balabanov Sergey, Cameron Saemann, Daniel Drexler, Fabian Guldenmann, Gabe Upcott, Jean-Cristophe Suzanne, Jérémie Bertrand, Juan Carlos Gil, Le Deng, Leonardo Gabiati, Leonardo Lambertini, Markus Roth, Maxime Louis, Morten Lauritzen, Phi Tran, Phillip Stiles, Ryan Pohlner, Samuel Nussbaumer, Simon Lange, Sven Reuber, Thomas Riant Devillers, Víctor Hernández Velázquez de Castro, Wael Hazzazi, Zal Meher-Homji, Ziad Fawaz
- AudioRejectz, for sparking the idea behind this website
Top Donations
- Tim Hollweg - 50€ (16/12/2019)
- Neo Ajaka - 30€ (27/10/2015)
- Le Deng - 25€ (27/11/2016)
- Alejandro Martinez - 20€ (03/05/2020)
- Wael Hazzazi - 20€ (17/12/2018)
- AA Gun - 15€ (18/04/2019)
Kojima Productions (2006). Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. [PSP], Japan: Konami
Kojima Productions (2008). Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. [PS3], Japan: Konami
Kojima Productions (2010). Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. [PSP], Japan: Konami
Kojima Productions (2014). Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. [PS4], Japan: Konami
Kojima Productions (2015). Metal Gear Solid V: the Phantom Pain. [PS4], Japan: Konami
Konami (1987). Metal Gear. [MSX2], Japan: Konami
Konami (1990). Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. [MSX2], Japan: Konami
Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998). Metal Gear Solid. [PSX], Japan: Konami
Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2001). Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. [PS2], Japan: Konami
Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (2004). Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. [PS2], Japan: Konami
Platinum Games (2012). Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. [PS3], Japan: Konami
AudioRejectz (2014). Metal Gear Solid the Complete Story. Retrieved from https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/2050xm/-metal_gear_the_complete_story/
jryanm (2014). MGS Portable Ops - Plot Summary. [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://jryanmvg.wordpress.com/2014/03/06/mgs-portable-ops-plot-summary-2/
Lt. Eddy (2013). MGS Portable Ops Lore in 3 Minutes. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tgZZ8glTyc
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance - Plot Synopsis. (n.d.). In IGN Wikis. Retrieved from https://www.ign.com/wikis/metal-gear-rising-revengeance/Plot_Synopsis
Operation Tecumseh. (n.d.). In Metal Gear Wiki. Retrieved from https://metalgear.wikia.com/wiki/Operation_Tecumseh
Peace Walker Incident. (n.d.). In Metal Gear Wiki. Retrieved from https://metalgear.wikia.com/wiki/Peace_Walker_Incident
San Hieronymo Incident. (n.d.). In Metal Gear Wiki. Retrieved from https://metalgear.wikia.com/wiki/San_Hieronymo_Incident
Shadow Moses Incident. (n.d.). In Metal Gear Wiki. Retrieved from https://metalgear.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Moses_Incident
© 2015-2022 Alex Camilleri. Metal Gear Timeline is a fan project, not affiliated with Konami Digital Entertainment Co. "METAL GEAR SOLID” is a registered trademark of Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. KONAMI is a registered trademark of KONAMI CORPORATION.